A fun time was had by all! Note the "Toxic Twizzlers" in the foreground of the last pic... Six disgusting mushy flavours: Tainted Tuna, Putrid Purple, Sultry Salmon, Gangreen Green, Citris Pee (AKA Vitamin P), Radioactive Orange (AKA Racist Halloween)...
They tasted alot like stale marshmallows, didn't matter the color. Ignore the flavor key on the bag, they all tasted the same. They also were stickier then normal red twizzlers. They were just not right. Not right at all.
This blog is a personal documentation of my artistic experiments, failures and achievements. As well, I post things that inspire me like music, other artists or random awesomeness. I post on the internet for the interest of friends, family and random people such as yourself. Hell, why not?
I also have a travel blog that might interest you as well. Annyong Haseyo The travel blog is a record of the trials and tribulations of two foreigners living and working (as ESL teachers) in South Korea, as well as their other travels in Asia and beyond.
They tasted alot like stale marshmallows, didn't matter the color. Ignore the flavor key on the bag, they all tasted the same. They also were stickier then normal red twizzlers. They were just not right. Not right at all.
glad i didnt indulge in that poison
Omg, that is a great ad for the toxic twizzlers
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