Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Picnic in Souris Valley

A fun time was had by all!
Note the "Toxic Twizzlers" in the foreground of the last pic... Six disgusting mushy flavours: Tainted Tuna, Putrid Purple, Sultry Salmon, Gangreen Green, Citris Pee (AKA Vitamin P), Radioactive Orange (AKA Racist Halloween)...

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

pile of pups, a gang of cocks, and one duck

here are some sketches/commissions that i am doing for other people. Aunt Alva enjoyed the sketch of Jayjay so she asked me to do one of Freddy (thats Jayjays ass-end in the pic). Also working on some Rooster portraits, so here are some preliminary sketches for the commission...

in other news, came home today and found a duck on the front lawn. pretty cool, it's not everyday you find a duck chillin out on your front lawn. there were also some kids running around so i gave them some bread to feed the duck. I think they scared the poor duck more than anything.
and, yes i did say a gang of cocks...